Things I'm Proud Of

  • Cofounded clearspace

    Digital armor for a focused life. Third startup attempt and the hill I will die on.

  • Built Supertone

    Collaboration software for music producers. Second startup attempt. Still live and running with 100s of users.

  • Invented Anonymous Video Chat

    Quarantine project combining Google's FaceMesh API with WebRTC. Still my favorite method of communication.

  • Improved Alexa

    Wrote and deployed the first ML approach to voice arbitration (deciding which alexa device should respond when multiple hear you).

  • Learned Football

    Walked onto a Division 1 football team with 0 minutes of prior experience. Unseated 3 existing kickers. Graduated with 100% field goal accuracy.

  • Delivered Pizza

    First startup attempt - bought full pizzas and kept them warm in my dorm room. Weekend-night-sub-2-minute delivery for over 300 slices.